

10 Tips to Boost Metabolism

Your metabolism is the rate your body converts the calories you eat and drink into energy.  Each person’s natural metabolism rate varies.  The rate of metabolism naturally begins to slow down for most people after the age of 40 because the amount of muscle tends to decrease.  A slowed metabolism reduces the calorie burn [...]

3 Essential Unprocessed Foods

People are migrating to a "real food" approach these days. This is where processed foods, especially those that are fried or artificially sweetened, are largely avoided because they hold little nutritional value. Below are three real food diet foods that are essential to the "real food diet", and some quick and fulfilling unprocessed meal [...]

By |2022-03-01T14:18:59+00:00March 1st, 2022|Diet, Eating Well|0 Comments

Top 5 Treats for Healthy Halloween

Halloween is a time of sweet treats, festive costumes and an abundance of ghostly decorations. Youngsters go from house to house yelling "trick or treat" in the hopes of getting something sweet to eat. This year, why not offer them something sweet that’s also good for them. Instead of buying sugary candy in large [...]

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