
It’s that time of year again.  School is back in session, but the current circumstances have many parents juggling a full-time work schedule with homeschooling.  This can make it seem impossible to plan appropriate meals that fit properly on the food pyramid, but rest assured, help is on the way!

Here are some easy ways you can skip the fast food drive-thru, and offer your entire family nutritional meals, even when you’re on the go:

  • Make Friends with Your Crockpot.  Set-it-and-go is the best feature available on the market for busy moms and dads.  Just because your schedule is filled with appointments, online meetings, and chores, it doesn’t mean you have to forego flavorful, nutritious homemade meals.  If you have proteins in your freezer or extra food in your pantry, scour the internet for crockpot recipes that use those first.  This will save you money from buying extra items and give you back a few minutes of your life that you don’t need to spend in the grocery store.
  • Go Cold Turkey.  Cold deli meat can enhance any busy schedule if you’re willing to get a little creative.  If you’re tired of cold cut sandwiches, switch it up by making pinwheel sandwiches for on-the-go or after-school snacks.  Place your sandwich ingredients on a tortilla, roll it up, and cut it evenly into almost-bite-sized pieces.  If you’re in the mood for a hot meal, invest in a Panini press.
  • Make Sunday Funday Food Prep Day.  Three solid hours of food prep and portioning can save you hours throughout the week.  Plan your meals, prepare your food, and store it in individual containers in the fridge so you can simply throw it on the stove or in the oven when it’s time to eat.

Tell us how you keep your household eating healthy @HealtheTrim!

And as always, we would love to hear your feedback!